Food & Wine

Harvesting Chestnuts on Monte Barro

How do you say Chestnuts in Italian? Castagne  I have to admit, I had no idea that chestnuts came from these spiky pom-poms. I really never thought about it. You really must be careful walking through the woods at this time of year. The wind sways the trees above and you can hear the thump-thump […]

The Crotasc Food & Wine from Valtellina (Mese)

Ok, there is no dispute. Italian food is the best. Everyone has heard of spaghetti, melanzane alla parmigiana, and lasagne, but have you every heard of pizzocheri? You’ve probably also heard of Sangiovese, Barbera, Barolo and Pinot Grigio, but have you ever heard of Sforzato or Sassella Bordering Switzerland,  the valley of  Valtellina  is known for its skiing, its hot […]