Are you planning a trip to Milan & Lake Como?

Save time searching for answers about traveling to Italy by asking someone who lives here! You can have a live conversation (with a real person), ask questions and put your mind at ease by talking with me, an expat living here for over 20 years with local insights and knowledge.

I’m Celia and I’m here to help you plan your trip to Milan & Lake Como

Secret gardens, hidden bistros, pop-up shops , private guided tours are updated to my digital rolodex daily! Travel news, current events and Covid regulations are constantly changing. As an editor and travel writer, it’s my job to be in the know! Let me help you plan your trip to Milan & Lake Como!

There is so much information out there, and so little time to search for it! You can cut that time in half by asking someone who lives in the area.

I’m Celia founder of, travel writer, editor and professional mystery shopper. I split my time between Milan and Lake Como and I am always discovering new and exciting things to do and see. The city of Milan and the surrounding areas are in constant evolution and development. Secret gardens, hidden bistros, pop-up shops and private guided tours are updated to my digital rolodex daily! Travel news, current events and Covid regulations are constantly changing. As an editor and travel writer, it’s my job to be in the know! Let me help you plan your trip to Milan & Lake Como!

It’s easy; schedule a video call, fill out the questionnaire and I will send you a link for a video call to start creating your custom itinerary with tips on getting around, where to eat and stay.

I am not a travel agent or tour guide, but you will have a complete guide and the resources necessary to make bookings, informed decisions and arrangements for transportation. If you need a personal assistant or translator during your stay to help you with shopping, restaurant reservations and more, contact me for further information.

I think you’ll love the insightful tips of a personalized custom itinerary, but you are free to just browse around the site or send me quick question.

Let’s work together to make your trip to Milan & Lake Como magical!

Get a personalized customized itinerary that will make your trip
to Milan and Lake Como memorable

  1. Schedule a call – we will talk about your ideal trip to Milan, Lake Como and other areas you might want to visit. I will answer your questions and share some immediate tips that will help put your mind at ease.
  2. After our call, I will write up a personalized itinerary plan and guide with accommodation options, activates and restaurant selections.
  3. Download your personal pdf with useful information, insights, recommendations and travel tips.
  • Get a personalized custom itinerary for your visit to Milan and/or Lake Como.
  • Get first-hand tips and travel advice for Italy from a local expat who has insider knowledge of the culture, customs and the best finds.
  • Recommendations for accommodation and restaurants.
  • Travel with confidence with travel tips and resources. Follow the plan at your own pace.
  • Save time researching and sifting through the web for the right things to see and do.
  • Download and read offline. You will receive a link to download a PDF of your bespoke itinerary and personalized suggestions so you can print it or read it on your mobile or tablet.
  • Easy payment via Paypal.
  • [ultimate-faqs include_category= ‘personalized-itinerary’]

Schedule a call with me

Start planning your trip to Milan and Lake Como Now

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travel advisor in italyCiao, I’m Celia, your travel advisor in Italy! Need a personal shopper in Milan or want help planning your trip to Italy? Learn about what to do and see, and where to eat and sleep. Ask me a question or request a custom travel plan. Book a consultation.